Last week, I started to re-factor the code I had already written for the plugin. During the course of the project, I have been reading source code from ngnix and apache respective lua modules to understand good coding patterns for lua and to understand good ways for getting things done. I am using LUA’s lightuserdata that allows to access C datastructures from LUA code and also wrote a bunch of functions to help building on top of it easier. Also I have tried to make the code more modular.

I was also working on adding cookie support to the lua environment, which took more time than I had expected. You can get a table of all the set cookies from mk.cookies.get_cookies() function call and set a cookie by this syntax mk.cookie.set_cookie{name=[name], value=[value], secure=true, expires= os.time()+ 60*60*12}

Next Week:

  • Make the response in a non blocking way
  • Start work on the duda plugin

