I have been working on restructuring the webfonts flask extension to make it more user friendly and general purpose. I am rewriting the routes using method views to make the extension more compact and extensible. I am sticking with using the main app static folder for the fonts, and the user will have to pass a dictionary with the font list and locations of the font files to initialize the extension.

The main objectives completed this week were:

  • rewrite the extension using view classes
  • improve the api so that routes and folder structures could be customized
  • create a bare bones template that can be shipped with the extension

I am having a little trouble organizing everything so that the extension remains modular.I was making some circular imports which can break in some cases. I have been going through source code of some of the larger extensions that provide interfaces like flask-dashed and flask-admin which uses class bsed views . I hope to release a working version in a couple of days and move into testing and documentation.