In order to implement a nonblocking way to excecute the lua code for the plugin I have been reading ngnix’s The module is implemented with one LUA VM per worker and each lua call/request is run with it’s own coroutine. This seems to be a better approach than the one I am currently using as this removes the latency involved in creating a Lua state per request as coroutines are much more lightweight compared to lua_state, I am currently rewriting some of the code to work in this way as it might offer much more flexibility and performance.

from the

Lua-nginx-module integrated Lua into NginX, and providing high-concurrent & non-blocking request processing ability without forcing developers explicitly dividing business logics into state machine. Developers can write their programs in plain-old sequential ways, and lua-nginx-module will automatically interrupt the program logic at blockable I/O operations, save the context and delegate these I/O ops to NginX’s event mechanism. When I/O ops are done, lua-nginx-module will restore the context and restore the normal running of the program logic. User program itself will feel everything as usual as never being interrupted.

Lua-nginx-module uses one-coroutine-per-request request handling model, i.e. for each incoming request, lua-nginx-module creates a coroutine to run user code to process the request, and the coroutine will be destroyed when the request handling process is done. Every coroutine has its own independent global environment, which inherits shared read-only common data. So any global values injected by the user code won’t affect other request’s processing, and will be freed when request handling is done. You can imagine that user code is running in a ‘sandbox’, which shares the same lifecycle with the request itself. By this way, lua-nginx-module can prevent memory-leak caused by abusing uses of global values in user code, hence improve robustness.

The non blocking behaviour of the module is achieved by using coroutines with blocking calls that yields to the event loop. This is done using something called cosockets which makes writing sequential code that works in non blocking way. In order to implement similar functionality in monkey, this co sockets api has to rewritten to integrate with monkeys event loop. Although this would require in effect writing a socket library for lua that specifically works with monkey, this will make adding more libraries easier in the future as well as make it possible to use many of the existing libraries for openresty to monkey lua without much effort other than that required for dealing with lua 5.1 vs lua 5.2 issues.

This week I completed a for the api documentation. I have a version of the plugin that is functional in the testing branch of the repo. Making the plugin non blocking by using co sockets requires some effort and I have started writing code for this. I will try to finish this before the pencils down date.