For the past couple of weeks I have been mainly fixing errors and other issues that with the already ported packages caused mainly due to the reorganizing and renaming of their dependencies. Normalizer module will be used by all the modules instead of silpa_common normalizer.

Another issue was that the template files had to renamed to reflect the change in module names as the framework expects the template to be of the same name as the package name.This behavior has to be changed as packages may have more than one template or another cases where the template name has to be different from the package name. A possible solution is adding the template name in the code itself But this will require changes in the way modules are required.

I have also re-organized some of the tests and added the test suite to so that tests could be more easily rub with a python testcommand.

Apart from this I have partially ported indiccallendar (python backend working though the module is not fully finished yet ).I was also working on flask-webfonts.I have implemented the yaml based configuration for setting up font repositories. I am now rewriting the interface using jquery.webfonts extension.Jquery webfonts expects data to be fed in a certain format which is slightly different from the flask webfonts currently available api. It was also planned to reduce the number of fields that has to be set manually in the font configuration using some sort of mechanism to extract metadata from the fonts files. I am yet to figure out completely how to it effectively as a single font can come in multiple formats and may create conflicts in some cases.