This week started with the aim of setting up a unit testing framework for the plugin and do test driven development from now on wards. My configure function is working and I wanted to add a few tests so that everything could be tested automatically.I started out with learning how to use CUnit and made some basic tests. I got sick in between and had to take couple of days off in between and lost my flow. I also ran into complications as I wasn’t sure whether I could mock everything from the monkey api for testing. I am currently stuck on how to mock the monkey api for unit testing as I didn’t want to compile the whole repository for unit testing the plugin.

So I put the unit testing on hold for a while and started working on the environment preparation steps for running lua scripts. Unit testing these functions where easier to implement as I wont require session request. I have wrapped some of the config into a lua table that will be injected into the lua environment and the custom mk_print will be used to populate a buffer that will be used to set up the return the values to the user.

Plan for next week: Clean up and consolidate all the work done till now so I can follow TDD and go at a faster pace from now on wards.

  • Catch up to the schedule and figure out a way to setup unit testing properly
  • finish the api for returning results

I am slightly behind schedule as I rabbit holed a bit this week and also had to stay away from work due to some health issues.


I am currently re factoring the code so that it, could be tested easily.